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Pilot Programs 2024


The Need

The need for glasses is the most overlooked global health problem facing the world today. Looking at North Carolina, WeyeZE’s founding state, this need exists in our backyard. What better place to begin offering the benefits of the WeyeZE product than here…

Customers & users

By running our pilot program in conjunction with Northside Elementary School and the Boys and Girls Club of Orange County, WeyeZE will be giving our product to users in schools to enable them to see the world clearly before the end of 2024.

Post-pilot plans

After running the first pilot, we are set to run a second with Prevent Blindness NC as the customer to provide the product to users in Lenoir County with glasses. After these two pilots, we will be able to iterate on the product to improve further on user experience and research & development for the next version of the product.

why vision care matters


why vision care matters :


“If you are reading this with the aid of glasses you are lucky. Lucky not to be one of the 2.5 billion people who do not have the benefit of seeing clearly.”

- Ben Schiller


 Our technology mimics what one would receive in an eye care clinic. It is self-administered and easy to use.

